Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Radio, The Woofer Bass, Rock and Rap: LL Cool J

LL Cool J captured hard beats and emphasis of carrying around his radio / ghetto blaster in his song "Cant Live Without My Radio". His strong vocals were complimented with his realistic hard lyrics and hard bass line. Later he incorporates a bit of rock in the sample for "Rock The Bells". One of the prodigies of the originators' generation of hip hop, LL Cool J came hard on the scene and left his indelible mark on the hip hop community.

The Ghetto Blaster / Radio
"Can't Live Without My Radio"

The Woofer /Bass
"I'm Bad"

"I Need Love"

Rock and Rap
"Rock The Bells"


  1. I remember watching some random VH1 segment on LL Cool J. They were talking about how he went from hardcore to "I Need Love". Regardless of the hate received, we know why he released that track - it was for the ladies! LL Cool J stands for Ladies Love Cool James!

  2. I thought it was interesting to find out about his name too. To be honest I had no idea what LL Cool J stood for and never really questioned or looked into it until revisiting the videos, so I found that a special treat. I'm particularly diggin the "I Cant Live Without My Radio" which I'm sure correlates to the Mac Dre take on the radio. Yep, ladies love Cool J and still do. lol
